Wingin’ it adventures are go!

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The Wingin’ it adventures are set to begin November 2014, starting with a 5 month trip around South East Asia. An online campaign run by myself Paul Raftery about my upcoming travels around the world!

As well as long journeys across the globe, there’s my Travel Bucket List, that I hope to start working on this year.

On this first journey, myself and good friend Konrad Bigg shall be Wingin’ it in South East Asia, landing in Thailand and taking it from there – with hopes of seeing China and India before Christmas!

This program has been a long time coming with Paul saying ” Life’s too short, I want to see the world now, whilst I’m still young enough to enjoy it properly”. The trip shall be broadcast online through a host of platforms including:

There will be travelogues about all of the places visited, as well as useful travel tips and fascinating information, including history and local knowledge.

To be a part of this experience visit the Wingin’ it blog page and follow the trip in the right hand corner of the screen. You can also be a part of the journey by following via one of the other platforms listed above.